


Chaos in Cairo Gaming Cards

As you found this site I suppose you're familiar with the Chaos in Cairo tabletop game? If not you can find further information on the game at the Fourcolorfigs Website and I can tell you it's a game worth looking for.
For playing the game you need gaming cards for your characters and units. These cards are useful to determine initiative, keeping track of wounds and such and simply to remind you on all the equipment the guys carry and all the abilities they have. Unfortunately there aren't any nice charactercards included in the game so my gaming pal and computer magician Agis prepared a sample and as it was so useful for our games we decided to share it with the gaming community. Feel free to use these images and make your own cards.
How to use the cards:
You can download the a card if you go with the mouse onto it, push the right mousebutton and select "Save target as...". You need to download any card seperately. Cards are saved as jpg. files (150dpi) so you can open them with any picture editor and you can print them as they are. They are about the size of trading cards (120mm x 85mm, with front and back side). Or you can put them into a word document and print them that way.
The cards should be folded and I recommend to laminate them.
I provide the evil characters, you can get the good lads at Agis site:  http://www.agisn.de/html/chaos_in_cairo.html

Baron Victor von Draken III

The Husk

Mohmar Akhun Sons of Set

Benni Khotan

Ahmed Shaitan