


The most obvious skincolour for the Anubi is black. It paints very well on a black undercoat and looks nice. Clothing can be white or sandcoloured but the contrast between the black skin and white clothing was to strong for my taste so I decided for a sandcolour. This gives a more warm finish. To add some colour I've used a brownish red and some other colours appear with the small details to personalize the figures.

Missiletroops can be devastating is well positioned and as there are some very nice models for the Anubi available I've two units of them ready for battle so far. First is a unit of Slingers.
The other one is a unit of Archers, there is a nice figure of an Archer Captain that is still missing in my unit. But they are 10 and thus ready for battle.

Click on any of the units for a page with bigger pictures of ALL Anubiunits. This page opens in a new window and can take some time to load so you have been warned.